Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Riley in hospital

Please keep Riley in your thoughts and prayers. She has been in the hospital since Sunday night when she was admitted with a fever. Tracy is still very much recovering herself, which is difficult in the hospital. Thankfully her mother has extended her stay to help us. Riley has been doing well and gaining weight. The doctors think she might have a bacterial infection, which needs to be treated with continued antibiotics. Her broken arm sustained during birth, which has decreased in movement, is also concerning right now.


Kristi said...

We'll keep praying. Glad you guys got to come home last night. Call if you need anything, food, prayers, company. We'll be there:-)

Matt and Brianne said...

ditto Kristi's comment!! We will do anything you need! (laundry? dinner? clean your bathrooms? whatever! Give me a buzz! I'm bored all day- seriously!!)
Can't wait to come visit but we don't want to bug you either so we'll just keep you in our thoughts and prayers until your up for the onslaught of visitors!! We love you two :) (three!)